Micro and Small Organisations
Micro and small organisations often face challenges that suggest deeper complex and multi-layered issues. We approach and work with our clients to resolve these issues by having a thorough understanding of their businesses, organisations and aspirations. We want to build, boost and balance your business with you.
Privileged Client Program
We accept a small number of clients into Our Privileged Client Program. It enables organisations in need of help and support for a lower fee, by reducing fees and supplementing with pro-bono hours. Your organisation may qualify if you are a Singapore-grown and based micro company, social enterprise or non-profit.
Alt 24 commits to 30 pro-bono hours per quarter to improve lives of those in need.
We work with your in-house experts to ensure your objectives are aligned, resources leveraged and results transformed.
Trained to work across functions and geographies, our approach to use a team of cross-function specialists for every project allows us to achieve your desired objectives.
We work with both in-house strategists and functional managers to ensure your strategic objectives are clear, concise and implementable.
Strategy facilitation
Strategy mapping
Digital business road-mapping
We help you engage your audience. Our know-how in user experience, combined with our consultants’ and specialists’ capabilities, can bridge your audience with your objectives. We map your facts and pitch points into a powerful narrative that can be used for sales pitches, concept presentations and strategy presentations.
Very often, larger objectives are delayed due to multiple reasons. We analyse team structures, processes and governance procedures to ensure your teams are best equipped to meet company objectives.
Sales process and governance
Communications process
Team-related processes and administrative efficiency